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Fri 14-Jul-2023 Montana, Travel | | Map

Indian Fort Campground, MT

Indian Fort Campground, MT

Today we made it as far as the Indian Fort Campground about 40 miles west of Billings.  It was a beautiful drive through the badlands of North Dakota, followed by Montana badlands.  but then we started to see scenery that David said looked more like Montana.

Where we are stopping for the night is just about two miles upstream from where a railroad bridge collapsed causing a freight train derailment.  Currently there are huge cranes on both side of the river .  I guess they were used to lift the cars out of the river and are now rebuilding the bridge.

Tonight we are sitting right on the side of the Yellowstone River at a Montana FWP campground.  The campground is primarily used by people fishing but is also great for travelers as it is just a mile off I-90.  Even though it is a Friday night, there were a number of open sites. 

For the first half of our drive it was very smokey.  Mostly cleared up by Billings.

We enjoyed dinner outside in the shade, but moved in afterwards because of mosquitoes. Good ATT cell service.
