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Wed 8-Mar-2023 Missouri, Oklahoma, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Durant OK to Saint Robert MO

Durant OK to Saint Robert MO

Once again we started the day at a Walmart and ended the day at a Walmart. We weren’t sure we were going to end up at a Walmart as there aren’t many in this part of MO that allow overnights. In fact, there aren’t many places to stop at all. One place that should be considered is the eastbound rest stop on I-44. In the truck stop portion of this rest area is a lovely picnic area with no time limitations for stopping.

There were a few highlights if the day:

Eufaula Lake is a huge, long lake that 69 follows. We had many glimpses of the steel gray waters and even exited 69 to a road that took us right down to the water. There was a sign on the way down that read, Road ends in the water. We stopped short.

Lots of cattle in green fields. Some babies. Besides cattle there are lots of small industries. Lots of water here. Pools in some fields and rushing water in the streams. Quite a contrast to TX and AZ.

Bradford Pears are indeed taking over the world. Near every town any disturbed area is now a pear forest. It’s very obvious since they are now in bloom.

A horrendous number of billboards advertising the Candy Factory at Phillipsburg where there is also the World’s Largest Gift Shop. We did not stop.

At Saint Robert we easily found the Walmart. We parked, ate dinner, and then walked about the parking lot and store for a bit of exercise. Overnight there were quite a number of semis parked and one other Sprinter van.
