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Tue 7-Mar-2023 Oklahoma, Texas, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Kyle TX to Durant OK

Kyle TX to Durant OK

We started the day at a Walmart and ended the day at a Walmart. There were a number of notables in between.

From Austin to Dallas there were blue bonnets in bloom along the roadside, as well as red bud and some white flowering trees – could have been Bradford Pears but not sure.

So much construction along our route. Both road construction and building construction. A great deal of building in the Dallas to San Antonio corridor.

Dallas was shrouded in heavy fog. In fact we did not see the sun until we crossed the state line into Oklahoma.

Texas has the most amazing on-off ramps and flyovers on their major roads. Those plus frontage roads with u-turn lanes to reach the frontage road going in the opposite direction make for easy navigation.

Just after we entered Oklahoma at the eastern side of the Texoma Lake we were startled to see an enormous building rising out of the landscape. Turns out there was more than just that building, there were enormous parking lots and other buildings and hotels: The Chocktow Resort and Casino.
