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Sun 5-Mar-2023 Texas, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Lone Star Motorcycle Museum

Lone Star Motorcycle Museum

We left our site at Lost Maples SP to drive down the road to where we could get ATT internet to check email and download the newspapers.  We pulled into a shady spot at the Country Market where we also filled up on diesel.  We even saw a bit of the Purdue-Wisconsin game from Thursday in which Purdue clinched the Big Ten title in basketball and some of the Illinois-Purdue game in which Purdue played much better than in recent weeks. (edit: On Monday we turned on the game again. Watching Purdue Go from a twenty point lead to a tie game is enough to give one a heart attack. Not sure we will survive the two upcoming tournaments.)

We then drove back to camp stopping at the Lone Star Motorcycle museum.  We were intrigued that this museum was out here “in the middle of no where” and we were seeing a number of motorcyclist passing us as we sat at the Country Market.  Each time we had passed the museum there had been motorcycles parked out front.

The museum is a collection of gleaming motorcycles owned by a couple from Australia. Not sure if we got all the details right,  butthey range in age from 1924 to the 1980s.  Two are Hondas, from the 79s, but most are English models — Norton and Triumphs.  According to the docent, all but one are in running order.  There is a workshop in the back for repairs.   She collected our $7.00 (each) fee and we enjoyed looking at all the equipment.  

We returned to the campground where we checked into site #6, took a walk, and cleaned up a bit.  Tomorrow we head to San Antonio where Janet hopes to get her new replacement iPad, we will shop, then we start the long, slow drive to cold weather.  Our friend Wendy who has been minding the house, cats, and llamas says that the daffodils are all up, but not yet in flower.
