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Mon 6-Mar-2017 Arizona, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Sabino Canyon

Sabino Canyon

We spent the night with our friends Katherine and John in Tucson and took a great 4-Mile hike with them in the morning. They are among the lucky Tucsonians who live just a few minutes from world class hiking trails.

Our hike took us up the Phoneline Trail then linked across to the Creek Trail. A good up and down workout with incredible views and close ups of wildflowers that are just beginning to come out.

In the afternoon Janet had her appointment for an eye treatment, so the rest of the day was spent relaxing at Catalina State Park where we are staying for 3 nights. Catalina is a very pleasant (and packed) campground. A nice place to watch the ground squirrels who make their home in any open area of the park, and the birds. Today we had one, or more, vermillion flycatchers flitting about our van.
