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Tue 7-Jun-2016 Pennsylvania, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Peyton Pond Campground

Peyton Pond Campground

We left Princeton and headed to Easton PA to pick up an antique corner cupboard that David’s sister had bought on eBay.  After picking up a U-Haul, we loaded the cabinet and headed north and east to the Boston area.

We chose to take US 209 through the Deleware Water Gap — a route we have never taken.  A mid afternoon walk at Dingmans Falls National Park was a pleasant break to the day.

Our stop for the night was at Pelton Lake Campground in the Clarence Fahrestock State Park (NY).  The campground has some lovely walks along the lake but has some draw backs — most of the sites are short and not level, and there is lush poison ivy everywhere.  With few people here we just pulled into the parking area for some walk-in sites — remember we are pulling a U-Haul trailer.
