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Jasper Again

Thu 31-Jul-2014 Alberta, Travel | 0 comments

There are basically three routes to Edmonton from Dawson Creek. The old northern-route (Route 2), the new central-route (Route 43) built in 1955, or the scenic... more

Muncho Hikes

Mon 28-Jul-2014 Travel, Yukon | 0 comments

We dove only about 4 miles today, but covered more miles on foot. We left Campbell Campground and drove a few miles on the Alaska Highway to the Stone Sheep Mountain... more

Muncho Lake

Sun 27-Jul-2014 Travel, Yukon | 0 comments

The rain was just clearing as we left our campground. We stopped at the Visitor’s Center in Watson Lake to see a slide show about the building of the Alaska... more

Watson Lake

Sat 26-Jul-2014 Travel, Yukon | 0 comments

From Teslin Lake we drove the Alaska Highway to Watson Lake. In the beginning of the day, the Teslin Lake was to our east. It is so long it was with us for quite a... more

Skagway North

Fri 25-Jul-2014 Alaska, Travel, Yukon | 0 comments

It did rain hard overnight and also we experienced an earthquake that really shook Vanessa. Of course, at the time we didn’t realize it was an earthquake, but... more


Thu 24-Jul-2014 Alaska, Travel, Yukon | 0 comments

We headed south in the sun, but with the forecast of rain for the evening. From Whitehorse we took the Alaska Highway to the South Klondike Highway heading to Skagway.... more


Wed 23-Jul-2014 Travel, Yukon | 0 comments

We started our day with a short hike (about 1 mile round trip) down to the Yukon at the Five Fingers Rapids. This was a point on the Yukon which created great... more

Klondike Highway

Tue 22-Jul-2014 Alaska, Travel | 0 comments

I am embarrassed to say that I found today’s ride a bit boring. The trip along the Klondike Highway from Dawson City toward Whitehorse passes through spruce and birch... more