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Mon 2-Sep-2019 Nova Scotia, Travel | 0 comments | Map

White Point Trail

White Point Trail

We started our day with a walk from our campsite to the Broad Cove Beach.  It’s just a half-mile walk through the forest.  The beach is where the Warren Brook reaches the Atlantic.  The Brook divides the beach into a north and south section.  We could not access the north section unless we wished to wade.  We sat for a bit enjoying watching the waves and birds — gulls and crows.

After walking back to the van we decided to drive about 15 miles north to White Point Trail.  This was the best decision ever.  The drive took us out of the park and through two little towns — Neil’s harbor and New Haven — before reaching the turnoff for White Point.  The point has many light colored rocks — quartz and perhaps gypsum — hence the name.  

From the harbor parking area we walked out to the point — about 3/4s of a mile.  What an incredible view! The rugged headland is covered with low growing shrubs and flowers dwarfed by the unfavorable conditions.  On one side of the headland was the calm bay, on the other the Atlantic crashed onto the steep cliffs.

As we walked we passed a small cemetery with a marker for the unknown sailor.  At the very end of the point is White Point Island.  Various birds flew around — crows, gulls, and cormorants and a group of gulls and cormorants sat on a rock watching the waves.  The wind was blowing extremely hard off the Atlantic.  It was a truly magical place.

If you decide to visit White Point, please keep to the numerous social paths across the headland.  The fragile plants cannot handle foot traffic.  

Once back at our van where we were protected from the noise of the wind we listened to and saw numerous loons in the bay.  

On the drive back we stopped at Neil’s harbor to see the lighthouse and check whether any of the fishermen had fish for sale.  Unfortunately everything was closed up tight for Labor Day — including the Chowder House.  Too bad as from the number of cars turning in and then leaving immediately, they would have done a good business today.



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