Back in the USA
Yesterday we drove from New River beach to Palmyra ME. Our border crossing was very slow — over an hour. Turns out that someone from the agriculture inspection... more
Yesterday we drove from New River beach to Palmyra ME. Our border crossing was very slow — over an hour. Turns out that someone from the agriculture inspection... more
Another day another shoreline. The beach at New River Beach Provincial Park is supposed to be one of the favorites on the Bay of Fundy, and we can see... more
As forecast it was a rainy day, very rainy, with fog moving in in the afternoon. Basically we edited pictures (David) and read (Janet). We will not be heading back to... more
We managed two nice hikes in Fundy NP today. For the first we drove to the East Branch trailhead in the north-west corner of the park. This trail is basically a level... more
After spending Sunday letting the power and tree people do their magic, we left our Walmart space. Our plan had been to drive to Porter’s Lake provincial park to the... more
We weathered the storm well, perhaps surprisingly. When we had to leave the provincial park we chose this area since it was away from the shore (any shore), at higher... more
Hurricane Dorian finally reached Nova Scotia about noon today but not yet to the north side of the island. All of the provincial parks and national parks have been... more
We left our site at Battery PP as they were closing at noon in anticipation of the hurricane’s arrival. David has decided we should head to New Glasgow which was on the... more
Hurricane Dorian is making some changes to our plans. This morning we headed south and west from Cape Breton Highlands NP. The plan was to find a sheltered... more
After a gray morning with rain threatening we headed up the Cabot Trail to the Jack Pine Trail. The trail is a loop trail with two possible returns. We started out... more
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