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Long Lake

Sun 30-Jun-2024 Minnesota, Travel, Wisconsin | 0 comments

As we prepared to leave Hay Lake Saturday morning, I realized this is the first time I have ever left a campsite without ever leaving the van. When we had first... more

South Dakota

Fri 31-May-2024 Minnesota, South Dakota, Travel |

After leaving Worthington we basically spent the day driving across South Dakota. Lots of cattle and greener than expected. Few crops planted. We stopped at the Porter... more

Ferguson Falls, MN

Wed 12-Jul-2023 Minnesota, Travel |

Left Madison at 9 and headed west on 39/90/94.  Pleasant driving with no wind or rain.  The only holdup was construction around Minneapolis. It cost us about... more


Thu 7-Aug-2014 Minnesota, Travel, Wisconsin | 0 comments

Today was just a quiet day of driving through MN toward Duluth, then down Route 53 into WI. We crossed the Mississippi River for the second time, so we are now on the... more


Wed 6-Aug-2014 Minnesota, Travel | 0 comments

Janet has always been interested in visiting Bemidji, MN, but only interested enough to go if it was on a convenient route when traveling. David had worked with... more


Tue 5-Aug-2014 Minnesota, Travel | 0 comments

Flat, flat, and more flat. As we drove toward Winnipeg the land became even flatter and the size of the fields became even larger. Canola, wheat, and flax were still... more