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Mon 27-Feb-2017 California, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Death Valley Tourists

Death Valley Tourists

We chose today to make some of the “typical” Death Valley stops, Badwater and Natural Arch Canyon, but less typical was a walk into Desolation Canyon East.

Badwater is still 282 feet below sea level, but the difference we saw today was the number of people there since we were there 13 years ago. It was nearly the same time of the year, so that was not the difference. The last time we were there we were the only people in the parking lot, but today there was hardly a place to be found. Unfortunately so many people means so many footsteps on the salt crystals and pillars, so it is harderto see the wonder of this place.

Natural Bridge Canyon was similarly busy, but there once you walked under the natural bridge and further into the canyon, the crowds thinned. The walk to the first block into the canyon was pleasant and beautiful. It is possible to scramble over the block and head another .2 miles into the canyon, but we did not.

We had difficulty finding the dirt road into Desolation Canyon as it is unmarked, but finally made our way the half-mile into the parking area. There were just 3 cars there. It is still about a half-mile walk to Desolation Canyon East along a washed out road. The canyon is colorful, much like the area around Artists’ Road (closed), and as one walks in the sides get steeper and closer together until you can stand and touch both sides at once. Again we walked to the first block in the canyon. From this point we could scramble up another 500 feet vertically over 1/2 mile to reach a vista that looks over Artists’ Palette — but we didn’t.



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