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Mon 31-Aug-2015 Travel, Wisconsin | 0 comments | Map

Mercer WI

Last night we left Madison about four and drove North.  We obtained a beautiful campsite right on Firefly Lake in the State Park.  Steven, Wyatt, and Clay set up their tent for the night while we made dinner.  The sites are extremely large and private and only a bit buggy.

Today the boys played in the lake while David and Steven hiked around it.  Then we headed to Long Lake to look at a cottage that Steven and Sarah are interested in.

The cottage was very nice.  Well-maintained and located on a peninsula which provides plenty of privacy.  There is a boat lift and a dock for boating and swimming.  Steven was very pleased and will be figuring out how to make it theirs.

After a nice fried cheese and fried fish lunch-dinner at Joe’s Supper Club in Mercer, we headed south to Madison.  The drive is just over 4 hours.



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