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Sun 18-Mar-2018 Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Driving Home

After leaving Red Rock Canyon SP in Oklahoma it was drive, drive, drive. Our goal was to reach West Lafayette between icy temperatures (and possibly icy roads.)

On Friday we drove over three hundred miles, stopping at a Walmart in Rolla when it started to rain. We had stopped around noon to watch Purdue win in round one of the NCAA tournament. Poor Isaac Haas. He has been such a good example of the student athlete and are very sorry to think his season will end with an injury. He was really man handled.

Saturday we drove another 300 miles to Kickapoo State Recreation Area in Illinois. We had stayed at this campground in the past. It has beautiful treed electric sites which are mostly empty at this time of the year. We could have gotten home today, but by spending the night here we didn’t take the chance of traveling in the freezing rain that was forecast. Plus it’s nicer to get home in the middle of the day when we can unpack in the light. Plus, with electricity and good AT&T service we could watch the Ohio State and Michigan games in the NCAA tournament. Great ending to the Michigan game.

On Sunday we headed home with a brief stop near Williamsport IN to watch Purdue beat Butler. Onto the Sweet Sixteen. Home looks as we left it. Cats were happy to see us.
