Archives | David, Janet, and our Van
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Alamo Lake SP

Wed 28-Feb-2018 Arizona, Travel | 0 comments

We moved from One state park to another. The drive was about 200 miles. After leaving Parker, we saw few homes or ranches. Near the town of Boise we saw a large feed... more

Salton Sea SRA

Thu 22-Feb-2018 California, Travel | 0 comments

We left our site in the Box Canyon BLM area and headed west down the canyon. A few miles from our dry arid campsite we crossed the Choachella Canal; on the other side... more

Twelve Mile Well

Fri 16-Feb-2018 Arizona, Travel | 0 comments

We walked a bit out in the desert today. We wanted to check out Twelve Mile Well. The facility consists of an old windmill, probably not used any longer; a solar panel;... more