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Sat 2-Sep-2017 Travel, Utah | 0 comments | Map

Drone Over Kolob Terrace

Drone Over Kolob Terrace

We decided to drive up to Kolob Terrace for another day of siteseeing. The number of people entering the park on this holiday-weekend Saturday left us with no interest in the popular part of the park.

Kolob Terrace was just as awe inspiring when viewed a second time. Unlike Zion Canyon where the rocks and cliffs are up close, here the rocks are in the distance with vast soft fields of grass and scrub. At one point you travel along a knife edge with scary (for Janet) views on each side. There is a ranch in the lower canyon which looks most pleasant, but the road out is steep — not what I would want to do, especially in the winter.

Along the road we enter and leave the National Park numerous times giving us the opportunity to send up the drone. Drones are not permitted in national parks.

Today we went all the way to the Kolob Reservoir; a pleasant place to eat lunch while watching the boaters, campers, and swimmers.

While up on the Terrace the temperatures remained mostly in the 70s and low-80s, but by the time we returned to our campsite it was once again 98. Being parked in the shade helps, but our air conditioning is a must.
