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Mon 4-Sep-2017 Travel, Utah | 0 comments | Map

Zion to Cedar Breaks National Monument

Zion to Cedar Breaks National Monument

We left our camping spot in Springdale and headed west to I-15. Our destination was Cedar Breaks National Monument which is just 30 miles from Springdale as the crow flies, but much further when one is driving around mountains and canyons.

On the way we stopped in at the north section of Zion and drove the very scenic 5.5 mile road into Kolob Canyon. At the end of the drive is a lovely hike out onto one of the fingers which gives you a view of Kolob Canyon and Terrace and far south. Worth the walk.

Again heading north we stopped in Cedar City for some groceries and diesel. The Smith’s there once again was a really nice grocery.

Now heading east on Route 14, the road climbed into the mountains. Great views, including one overlook where you can look back over to Zion Canyon and can see the backside of all the landmarks we enjoyed there.

Before reaching Cedar Breaks, we had one interesting problem. We had pulled off the road to admire the scenery, but when we pulled back on the road our ride was rough and bumpy. Flat tire? No. A rock had wedged itself between two of our duelies. We tried with no avail to pop it out with a hammer, but finally David had to jack up the van and loosen one of the tires. We were able to pull it out then. It’s always something.

We arrived at Cedar Breaks with just enough time to look at the main cliff area before finding our campsite, building a fire, and eating dinner. 62-degrees now. Such a better temperature.



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