Tue 28-Feb-2017 California, Travel |
We started the day with a return to Desolation Canyon for a hike up Desolation Canyon which is to the right of the canyon we hiked yesterday (Desolation Canyon East). Again, this was a lovely quiet canyon...
Mon 27-Feb-2017 California, Travel |
We chose today to make some of the “typical” Death Valley stops, Badwater and Natural Arch Canyon, but less typical was a walk into Desolation Canyon East. Badwater is still 282 feet below sea...
Sun 26-Feb-2017 California, Travel |
Today we drove from Joshua Tree NP to Death Valley NP, with a stop at the grocery store (Von’s) in Joshua Tree. Groceries here, even the produce, are good, but very expensive. After a five hour drive,...
Sat 25-Feb-2017 California, Travel |
At Joshua Tree NP there are a number of places in the park that you have to leave the park to get to. So we headed north and out of the park to the Forty-nine Palms trailhead. The trail is described variously...
Fri 24-Feb-2017 California, Travel |
Today’s hikes took us on a one-mile loop hike to the Barker Dam — an ephemeral pool that was dammed to collect more water when cattle were grazed in the area. As the climate dried, cattle grazing...
Thu 23-Feb-2017 California, Travel |
Aside from the Joshua Trees, this national park is known for its rocks. Huge piles of soft, rounded rocks made of monzogranite which look as if they were piled and placed by human hands rather then uplift and...
Wed 22-Feb-2017 California, Travel |
We are staying in Black Rock Canyon CG in Joshua Tree NP. It’s a large Campground, over 90 spaces, with all the amenities except on-site electric and water. The attraction for us was a hike among the...
Tue 21-Feb-2017 California, Travel |
Before we left Corn Springs we took some overhead shots and then took a walk to look at some more petroglyphs and then up the wash to the Gus Lederer Cabin. Lederer (1868-1932) lived in a cabin overlooking...
Mon 20-Feb-2017 California, Travel |
After a week of dry camping we drove to Quartzsite and made a much needed stop at the RV Pit Stop to dump our holding tanks and refill our water tank. This service area is easy to access, efficiently run, and...
Sun 19-Feb-2017 Arizona, Travel |
It rains in the desert, and it certainly did yesterday, about half an inch left over from the damaging rains in LA. We spent the day reading, editing pictures, and eating. So today, we were happy when the...
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