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Mon 11-Sep-2017 Colorado, Travel, Utah | 0 comments | Map

Factory Butte UT to Evergreen CO

We left Factory Butte and headed east and north. Heading home.

The drives along 24 and I-70 initially take you through some pretty desolate country, but after a while we entered the mountains with views of the ski resorts of Copper Mountain and Aspen. The road, very curvy with lots of ascents and descents, is an engineering miracle and beautiful.

At Glen Springs there was a traffic tie up because of a semi overturned on the west bound lane. The semi was carrying 100 pigs. The fire department was there making corrals witH their ladders and spraying them with water to keep them cool. The accident happened at about 1:30 and the road was not expected to open until mid-evening. Many westbound travelers were diverted off the road, but there were a lot who just had to sit for 7 hours until the road reopened.

We spent the night in Evergreen, CO. Very pleasant and quiet.



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