Evanston WY to Sidney NE | David, Janet, and our Van
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Tue 1-Aug-2023 Nebraska, Travel, Wyoming | | Map

Evanston WY to Sidney NE

Another day driving through the heat — upper nineties in places. Most of the time in WY we were at 6000 feet or above, so the heat wasn’t so bad. We actually climbed to 8000 feet at one pass.

Wyoming isn’t very green except for the blue green if the sagebrush, but when we started into Nebraska we enjoyed the soft green grass that in places climbed all the way up to some mesa. Before we reached Nebraska though we had two heavy thunderstorms. I guess they were unexpected because the irriGaTion was going in most every field.

We are spending the night at another Walmart. It will really is quite warm so we went in to shop for a few odd things and enjoy their air conditioning. It is a bit cooler now and we may run our air conditioning for a while. With out lithium batteries we can run it for a few hours.

About 16 more hours of driving to home.
