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Thu 24-Aug-2017 Colorado, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Denver Area

Denver Area

August 22

We packed up and headed south from Glendo.  Our goals included an RV store to look at our refrigerator which is not keeping up to temperature and a stop at an At&t store to see is David’s iPhone can be repaired.

The RV stores are booked for service until October so we will limp along.  It did not appear that it is economical to repair David’s phone, so he has a new one.

We spent the night at Boyd State Park which is on a lake in Loveland CO.  A nice enough park with a laundry.  We had a pleasant visit with Fran and Mark, Sprinter owners from Washington.

August 23
Most of today was spent driving to and waiting for an appointment at the Apple Store in Bloomfield CO.  David was unable to download his last iCloud backup, hence the visit.  Once in the store, going through exactly the same steps, the backup downloaded.  Better wifi?  The magic of the Apple genius?  We then used their good wi-fi to upload pictures of the eclipse to the Mega-movie project.  We did our shopping and spent the night in a beautiful Walmart in Evergreen CO. Quiet!  Mountain scenery.

August 24
We were ready to get out into the woods and mountains. We drive out I-70 to just beyond Idaho springs where we headed south on the Guenella Pass Highway. Beautiful vistas. We stopped at Clear Lake NF campground which was nice, quiet, and secluded.  We were glad we stopped early since many people came through later looking for spots to stay.  Since rain was in the forecast, we opted for a mid-afternoon dinner (lunner?).  David cooked a rack of lamb and squash with onions while I made salad. Today is our 49th anniversary.



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