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Beach volleyball

Thu 11-Aug-2016 Brazil, Travel |

Andrew and Emily went off in the morning to watch a beach volleyball session. They particularly enjoyed the first game as Brazil was playing so the audience was really... more

Sao Conrado

Wed 10-Aug-2016 Brazil, Travel |

Overnight the weather became windy, rainy, and quite cool. Racing was cancelled for the day, causing a lot of confusion for later days of racing. When racing was... more

Rio bound

Mon 8-Aug-2016 Brazil, Travel |

Our trip to Rio for the Olympic Games was challenging, overwhelming, exciting, hot, confusing, delicious, surprising, nail biting, and never disappointing. The first... more

Ouabache State Park

Mon 20-Jun-2016 Indiana, Travel |

Today we had to drive a bit on I-90, but left it east of Cleveland to head down I-71 to reach Rt 30 that we would take across Ohio.  This route once again avoided... more

Driving Home

Sat 18-Jun-2016 Massachusetts, Travel |

After leaving Savoy Mountain State Park, we stopped briefly at the Central Shaft of the Hoosac tunnel.  When the tunnel was originally dug, from about 1850 to 1875, the... more

Mount Greylock

Fri 17-Jun-2016 Massachusetts, Travel |

Mount Greylock is the tallest mountain in Massachusetts and can be climbed by car. This morning we drove up, a slow, steep climb and took a 2.5 mile loop hike around... more

North Adams

Thu 16-Jun-2016 Massachusetts, Travel |

We planned a quiet day with a number of stops. First, we headed down the Mohawk Trail into North Adams to stop at my Aunt Leone’s house that I visited in the... more

Wells State Park

Mon 13-Jun-2016 Massachusetts, Travel |

From Plymouth we headed north and west — not quite sure where we would spend the night. After some grocery shopping we decided on Wells State Park, partly because... more

Kapell Cranberries

Sat 11-Jun-2016 Massachusetts, Travel |

We spent two days visiting our friends Alex and Jeff who live in a fabulous house near Plymouth overlooking their cranberry bogs. It was great to visit with Jeff who... more