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NBC Today Show

Mon 15-Aug-2016 Brazil, Travel | 0 comments

Monday morning was our day to head to the airport to go home, but first we had to go to the east end of Ipanema Beach to the Today Show set where the USA women’s eight... more

Rio Botanical Gardens

Sun 14-Aug-2016 Brazil, Travel | 0 comments

On the Sunday after racing, we went for a walk to the Rio Botanical Gardens. Walking through Leblon is always pleasant, and on the way we passed through a flea market... more


Fri 12-Aug-2016 Brazil, Travel | 0 comments

Andrew, Emily, and I took a day to be tourists. We headed to Sugarloaf to take the gondola up to the mountains. We were so lucky as the weather was just beginning to... more

Beach volleyball

Thu 11-Aug-2016 Brazil, Travel | 0 comments

Andrew and Emily went off in the morning to watch a beach volleyball session. They particularly enjoyed the first game as Brazil was playing so the audience was really... more

Sao Conrado

Wed 10-Aug-2016 Brazil, Travel | 0 comments

Overnight the weather became windy, rainy, and quite cool. Racing was cancelled for the day, causing a lot of confusion for later days of racing. When racing was... more

Rio bound

Mon 8-Aug-2016 Brazil, Travel | 0 comments

Our trip to Rio for the Olympic Games was challenging, overwhelming, exciting, hot, confusing, delicious, surprising, nail biting, and never disappointing. The first... more