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Belize to Dallas

Mon 5-Jan-2015 Belize, Travel | 0 comments

Today was a travel day.  We had planned to leave the rental by 9:00 so we could stop for a hike in a national park (Janet and  David) and visit the Belize Zoo... more


Sat 3-Jan-2015 Belize, Travel | 0 comments

We took the hour trip down the coast to Placencia today.  The road is paved so we expected a smoothish drive, but there were close to 50 speed bumps or pedestrian... more

Serpon Sugar Mill

Fri 2-Jan-2015 Belize, Travel | 0 comments

Multiple activities today. After a morning of swimming and relaxing, Andrew, Jen, and GME went off fishing on a boat with a guide.  They had a great afternoon even... more

Unsettled Weather

Wed 31-Dec-2014 Belize, Travel | 1 comment

The day dawned with lots of winds and rain on the horizon.   The storm that passed through at 11:00 was violent and full of rain.  Andrew and GME had to... more

Cave Trip

Sun 28-Dec-2014 Belize, Travel | 0 comments

Amanda, Emily, Steven and Andrew with all the grandkids chose to drive up to near Belmopan for a cave-tubing adventure.  They loved it as they spent time exploring... more