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Tue 15-Jun-2021 Minnesota, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Bozeman MT to Ferguson Falls MN

Bozeman MT to Ferguson Falls MN

The weather was a bit cooler today, but still a strong wind from the south west that made driving difficult. We shared the driving and stopped frequently to relax and walk,

Early in the day we stopped at the overlook for the Paiinted Desert, part of the Theodore Roosevelt National Park. We had visited both the south and north units of this park in the past and decided to pass it up this time.

Soon after the Park we began to see oil wells pumping soong the Side of the road.

As we approached The Minnesota state line we saw more and more ponds and lakes at roadside. The Red River that forms the ND/ MN state line was very full.

We ended the night at the Ferguson Falls Walmart where we did a bit of shopping and ate a dinner of an omelet and salad. We selected Walmart not for the shopping, but because it was the only place to stay nearby to our route.



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