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Sat 28-Jan-2017 Arizona, Travel | 0 comments | Map

WhiteWater Draw II

WhiteWater Draw II

We spent the night (free) at the WhiteWater site so that we could get up to watch the birds leaving again in the morning. It was 18-degrees in the morning and the birds were standing on ice or in water with ice around their legs. As they stood in the water they would lift their legs to release them from the ice then flap their wings to hop up onto the ice.

Many left starting about 7:00, but many remained. We don’t know if that is related to the cold or usual. By 9:00 all but about a quarter had left. At about 11:00 they started to return and for the next hour we enjoyed the cacophony and watching the cranes swirling about in the sky gauging where they were going to land.

We highly recommend a stop at this site if you have time and like primitive camping (no amenities). We had no TV but did have AT&T Cell data service.



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