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Wed 29-May-2024 Travel, Wisconsin | | Map

Heading to see Bo William

Heading to see Bo William

We started our trip West with a stop to see cousin Kathleen in Barneveld WI and Emily and Steven and family in Madison.

‘Our visit with Kathleen was short but pleasant as usual. We enjoyed visiting with her three feeder pigs and many chickens. Her new dog, Honey, is a sweetheart and should keep varmits out of the garden. As usual Kathleen served us a great dinner which included a Peruvian Garlic-Cilantro sauce that was great on asparagus and terrific on broccoli 2 days later.

Our visit with Steven and family was rather limited as they had just returned from a wedding in Florida with COVID. We were able to sit outside in the sun on a relatively warm afternoon.

We had a nice visit with Emily and Eric. Enjoyed a takeout of Tibetan food. Exclaimed over all of the changes they have made to their house. Tried to love Sophia and Mishka, but they were a bit skittish.
