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Mon 18-Jun-2018 Travel, Wisconsin | 0 comments | Map

Sailor Lake NF Campground

Sailor Lake NF Campground

We headed west on WI-70 looking for a National or State forest campground with ATT service. We settled on the Sailor Lake CG. We have a large, private site with a view of the lake, a picnic table, and a fire ring. Just $7.50 a night with our Senior Pass.

After settling in David spent some time splitting wood and gathering kindling in preparation for our dinner fire.

While eating lunch, Janet suddenly remembered that she had left her shoes to dry under the van yesterday, and we had driven off without them this morning.

Fortunately the old campground was only about 40 miles back, so we headed there, got the shoes, and returned. On the way we stopped along the shore of the Flambeau River to admire the raging rapids where it came over the spillway at the power plant.

Upon returning to our campsite, we went for a walk along the ATV trail. Beautiful woods here: lots of birch, maple, and bass. Along the sides of the trail are bracken, dogbane, butter cups, daisies, bunchberry, sedge, and others.
