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Sat 20-Jan-2018 Texas, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Calaveras Lake Park

Calaveras Lake Park

Saturday, January 20
Drove to the east side of San Antonio where we found a campground on the side of a man-made Lake. The lake is a depository for treated sewer water used by a power plant for cooling. Because the power plant keeps the lake warmer with fish spawning all year, Lake Calaveras has become a fishing and boating destination. Lots of people fishing including some heron and egrets. A few buzzards on the lake side finishing up what has been left behind. Primitive camping although electric/water/sewer sites are available for more money.

Sunday, January 21
Spent the day watching the birds and reading, then some football in the afternoon. This is a very pleasant campground but it’s annoying that there is so much trash around. Part of the problem being that there are trash barrels provided for campers and picnickers, but they are not emptied regularly and animals spend the night going through them.
