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Thu 18-Jan-2018 Louisiana, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Waiting in Covington LA

Waiting in Covington LA

Wednesday, January 17
Interstate still closed, so we read and walked in Walmart. Entertainment of the day was watching cars drive toward the front of the store and try to negotiate a left hand turn on glare ice. One pickup did a 180. Since last night was the lowest recorded temperature ever in this area and the first ‘snow’ in more than ten years, I don’t think people are used to driving on ice. We hope the Interstate opens tomorrow.

Thursday, January 18
Still closed, until midnight. But about 4:00 it seems that some of the big trucks started to move out of the Walmart and Home Depot parking lots. We will wait until morning. Three nights is more than we have ever stayed in a Walmart parking lot, and so we were not too surprised that the manager asked a police officer to ask us what was going on. We explained that we were shopping at Walmart while waiting for the interstates to open, and that we would leave in the morning. That was ok with the manager.
