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Sun 19-Feb-2017 Arizona, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Palm Canyon Day 4-5

Palm Canyon Day 4-5

It rains in the desert, and it certainly did yesterday, about half an inch left over from the damaging rains in LA.  We spent the day reading, editing pictures, and eating.  So today, we were happy when the weather cleared up and we could take a walk.  The desert soaks up the water pretty quickly, so it’s not a muddy walk.

There was one more “mountain” nearby that we wanted to explore.  It was interesting when we walked the half-mile or so to it.  The desert floor is relatively level except for a few washes, but when we arrived at our hill, it rises quite suddenly out of the flatland, covered with huge varnish covered rocks with mounds of brittlebush scattered among them.  David chose to climb partway up, but Janet sat and watched the birds at play among the cacti and ocotillo..

When we got back to camp we took some overhead shots.
