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Wed 15-Feb-2017 Arizona, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Palm Canyon Day 1

Palm Canyon Day 1

Palm Canyon is one of our favorite desert locations.  It is 7 miles down a side road (dirt) from Route 95, north of Yuma.  Dispersed camping is permitted off the road.  We plan to stay here for a few days.  It is so amazingly beautiful with the Kofa Mountains rising out of the desert covered with creosote, cacti, and rocks. We are too far from Yuma for over-the-air TV, but AT&T cell service is good with our booster.

Day 1:  We drove north from Yuma through huge fields of cabbage, lettuce, and cauliflower — many were being harvested.  Then the terrain turned to desert scrub when we entered the Yuma Proving Ground. After arriving at the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge, we found a camping place and spent most of the heat of the day relaxing and completing the chore of changing the oil in the generator. Then we took a quick walk up a nearby rise and David grilled our dinner.
