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Thu 26-Jan-2017 Arizona, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Kartchner Caverns Trails

Kartchner Caverns Trails

We arrived in Arizona and decided to stay at Kartchner Caverns State Park. We were hoping for warmer weather — not. We stayed here last year and enjoyed one of the cave tours. Great cave and the tour is well done. They also have an outstanding nature center.

After arrival we took a 2.5 mile loop hike up into the mountains over the caves. Spectacular views as the sun was just setting.

On Thursday we decided to take the Guindani Trail in the Coronado National Forest. A 4.2 mile loop that takes you through a canyon with a running stream and up over the mountain. Absolutely stunning trail. Well-maintained and marked. Oak. Mesquite. Soft hills covered with grass. Incredible views at all points.

We will return to this state park. It is clean and pleasant, though very full. Aside from the usual amenities at a state park it also has good, fast Wi-Fi. Too far from Tucson for over-the-air TV, but we got TV over Wi-Fi from our Slingbox on our home DirecTV.
