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Sat 30-Jan-2016 Arizona, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Tucson Mountain Park

Tucson Mountain Park

Tucson Mountain Park is a county park to the west of Tucson with a great campground (Gilbert Ray) and easy access to the Desert Museum, Old Tucson, Park Saguaro National Park (west), and hiking in the park.

We were a bit concerned about finding a site in the park as the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show started today, but our fears were unfounded.

After getting our site we left the park to do a bit of shopping and then returned for a hike from the campground. One of the amazing things about this park is that there are numerous trails leading from the various loops that take you out into the cactus and away from everything. Within 4 minutes of walking, you are alone with the cacti (cholla, barrel, saguaro, prickly pear), desert wrens, mesquite, creosote, and other desert plants.

Gilbert Ray Review: Nice desert location. Electric sites, no generators allowed (or needed). Central water station, dump, recycling, and trash. Pleasant, helpful staff.
