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Sun 10-Aug-2014 Indiana, Travel, Wisconsin | 0 comments | Map

West Lafayette

West Lafayette

We started our drive home with a pleasant drive along Wisconsin 33 through rolling hills treed with oak, maple, and pine.  This area of Wisconsin, the “driftless area,” is lovely.  During the last ice age, the glaciers were diverted around this area, so there was none of the grinding and wearing down seen in the flatter areas of Wisconsin.

After picking up I-90 near Madison, we headed toward Chicago.  We ignored all advice from Steven and Sarah and decided to drive I-90 through Chicago rather than taking I-39 into Illinois and cutting over into Indiana on US24.  I-90 is shorter, but the traffic can be awful on a Sunday (or any day).  We were lucky.  We had a slowdown, but no stoppage, in the loop area, but the ride was great.

Stopped for ice cream at Fair Oaks Dairy between Chicago and West Lafayette.  They do make incredible ice cream.

Arrived home about 7:15 to be greeted happily by Emily.

It’s good to be home, but suddenly there seems to be so much to do.  Lots of mail, lots of dust, lots of weeds.
