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Sat 9-Aug-2014 Travel, Wisconsin | 0 comments | Map

Kickapoo River

Kickapoo River

With Steven and his family we canoed for about 5 hours on the Kickapoo River. Steve and Sarah had brought their trusty Grumman canoe, Magnolia, and we rented a canoe and tube from Drifters, one of several canoe outfitters in Ontario, WI.

It was a pleasant easy paddle – the current is just right to carry you along. Wyatt and Clay loved the tube – jumping off and running along when they felt like it.  The river is just a foot or so deep in most places at this time of the year, but from the snags up in the overhanging trees, it is obvious that it has been much higher.

The only problem with canoeing the Kickapoo on a Saturday in August is that quite a few people had the same idea. There were a lot of people! But this didn’t mean it wasn’t fun, and people watching is fun also.

We returned to our joint campsite and had a great dinner of grilled vegetables, “smokey toast,” smart dogs, cheese, and crackers. A game of Crazy-8s ended the evening.
