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Mon 5-Apr-2021 Indiana, Travel | 2 comments | Map

Savanna’s First Trip

Savanna’s First Trip

For Savanna’s first outing David and I drove south to the Deam Wilderness – part of the Hoosier National Forest. Savanna performed admirably, but all the bells and whistles will take a little getting used to.

We are camping in the Blackwell Horse Camp on Tower Road. There are a few other campers and horse owners camped in the spacious grassy meadow. It looks as if there may have been a lot of campers over the Easter weekend, but now just a few.

We walked about five miles along the Grub Ridge Trail. Lots of spring beauties, trout lily, and daffodils. I assume the daffodils are left from the homesteads that were here before the state acquired the land. I love the openness of the woods at this time of the year – long sight lines.

We are here for two more nights. Today the temperature is in the upper 70s. Hope the weather holds.





  1. Thank you for sharing. Looks like you’re having a really fun time. I’m so glad that you can enjoy yourselves like this. Much love to you Janet and David❤️

  2. Glad you are doing well and enjoying your time.

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