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Wed 28-May-2014 Alberta, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Ice Fields Parkway

Ice Fields Parkway

Since we had an overcast and rainy morning, we stopped in Banff next to the library to take advantage of their wifi.  It turned out to be a little frustrating as David hassled with software and their slow, quirky internet.  But when the weather started to improve we headed north to Lake Louise and Jasper.

Unfortunately, the weather didn’t stay improved.  When it started to rain (hard) and snow (slightly) we bypassed Lake Louise and continued on.  Of course things got better and we experienced some incredible scenery just no hiking .  We stopped at the Ice Fields Interpretive center where there are good views of the Athabasca Glacier and information about the larger Columbia Glacier which is just out of sight.  There are bus tours up to the latter, but we chose not to go.

Our campground (Jonas Creek) is a small (14 unit), primitive loop right off Route 98 with fairly level sites which can accommodate only smaller rigs – less than 25 feet – but that doesn’t stop some of the larger ones from coming in.  We were surprised that it filled up completely by evening.  I guess it’s because there are so few open campgrounds between Whistler and Banff and the fee for this one is $15.70.  Again wood is plentiful and free (although a bit wet), if you purchase a $8.80 fire permit. Dinner was bratwurst, potatoes and onions, a mélange of vegetables, and salad followed by a walk along the stream through a mossy forest.



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