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Thu 8-Sep-2016 Events | 0 comments | Map

Honoring gold at the boathouse

Honoring gold at the boathouse

The Division of Recreational Sports and Purdue Rowing Club honored Amanda at the Purdue boathouse. Many friends and family were able to join her at the boathouse to congratulate her and heft the medal. After a viewing of the race, Amanda spoke to the group about her experiences over the past two years. She thanked everyone for their support of her over many years, especially the last two years. She was so pleased that Betty Schnepp, her high school gymnastics coach, and Tamra Barnard, her first grade teacher were able to come. The fact that these two women made the effort to come demonstrates the depth of interest in the community.

The photos show Amanda’s family in front of two Purdue eights named after Amanda’s grandparents Ed and Dot Fox who provided funding. The boats were on display in front of the boathouse for the event.



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