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Mon 6-Jun-2022 Maryland, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Graduation time for Graham

Graduation time for Graham

Graham graduated from high school on June 6. We had planned our trip to deliver Vanessa so that we could attend. As it turned out, David and I chose to stay home and watch the ceremony from Andrew’s back deck. Jen was concerned about the amount of COVID in the area. The entire event was broadcast live to our iPads, so sitting on the deck with a beer was a nice way to attend.

Afterwards we did go to Graham’s friend Ava’s house for a nice get-together. Lots of good food, good conversation with Ava’s parents and grandparents, and an amazing cake fashioned by Ava.

I told Graham that June 6 is an important date for the family. His Great grandparents Barbara and Bill Elmore were married on June 6, 1936. His grandmother, Dorothy Maher Fox, graduated from high school on June 6, 1936. I, Janet, graduated from high school on June 6 1966. June 6 2022 may not have the same “ring” as those dates, but none the less it is a coincidence.

Graham has a summer job at a local marina. Cleaning rental boats and sending off the renters. The dock where he works is right next to a great seafood restaurant, so we went down there for a meal. When he was not busy on the dock, he came and sat with us and ate a bit.



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