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Sat 24-Sep-2016 Events | 0 comments | Map

Dan and Ellen’s Wedding

Dan and Ellen’s Wedding

We were pleased to be invited to Dan McClannen and Ellen Burke’s wedding. We know Dan every well as he works with David in our printing business and, thus, is in our house five days a week.

The wedding at the Moses Fowler House was lovely and his, and her, parents were most gracious to include us in the celebration. The ceremony was held in the garden behind the house and the reception on the veranda and in the ist floor rooms. One of the most memorable parts of the wedding was when Max, their son, acting as ring bearer came down the steps. Because of this height, he disappeared for some time behind the bannisters, and then reappeared to stare through the balusters at all of us before he continued on down the stairs to give the rings to the best man.

It was a lovely evening; we wish Dan and Ellen all the best.



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