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Cape Enrage

Tue 6-Aug-2019 New Brunswick, Travel | 0 comments

We drove about 12 miles northeast along the coast to Cape Enrage. The NB brochure we have suggested it as one of the better beaches to visit. The drive is along a... more

Alma NB

Mon 5-Aug-2019 New Brunswick, Travel | 0 comments

Walked down to Alma today. It’s an easy trip as there is a long steep staircase from the campground to the road that leads into Alma. We enjoyed walking the beach... more

St John, NB

Fri 2-Aug-2019 New Brunswick, Travel | 0 comments

Today we managed just over two miles of hiking, but most was on city streets. David had a package he wanted to send by UPS to home, so we headed to St John. After... more