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Catalina State Park: Day 2

Fri 23-Jan-2015 Arizona, Travel |

A pleasant day spent hiking part of the Romero Canyon Trail.  We got a late start so we only hiked partway up from the Moreno Pools (which had water!) and then... more

Catalina State Park: Day 1

Thu 22-Jan-2015 Arizona, Travel |

Our morning was spent at Mercedes Benz of Tucson getting our 40000 mile service.  It took about 3.5 hours, but as we headed out to Catalina State Park (CSP) our... more

Saguaro National Park

Wed 21-Jan-2015 Arizona, Travel |

On the way out of Chiricahua National Monument we stopped at the Faraway Ranch.  This ranch was originally built by a Swedish family in the late 1800s and later... more