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Tue 19-Jan-2016 Texas, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Brazos Bend State Park

Brazos Bend State Park

After two days of driving and one night in a Walmart, we arrived at Brazos Bend SP (TX) which is south west of Houston.

The approach to the park is through flat land that reminds you that this was an ancient sea bed. The park is full of live oak, sweet gum, sycamore, hickory, and cottonwood. The campsites are large, deep, and well-separated, and the park offers miles of trails. As I sat out before dinner last night I heard, and finally saw, and owl in the trees near our site. I also enjoyed watching the buzzards soaring above the lake about 1/4 mile from our campsite.

This morning we took a 4.3 mile hike around Hale Lake and Creekfield Lake. The latter was amazing — lots of coots, some ibis, an elegant white heron, a flock of black buzzards, LOTS of turtles and two alligators. We watched the alligators first sit very still near the coots, then one began to slide slowly through the lilies toward a coot, but fortunately, never saw a murder.

We returned to our van so that David could install some electrical equipment we have been needing. We both found the need to put on shorts — a first for this trip thus far.

Brazos Bend State Park Review: A large, beautiful park. Sites have electric and water, there is a dump and trash bin. We purchased a Texas State Park pass which is a good value. It allows free admission to the park and gives you 1/2 off your second night on stays in 4 different parks. We paid $70 for it and saved $38 on our first stay.



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