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Tue 6-Apr-2021 Indiana, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Deam Wilderness – Day 2

Another warm, breezy, and sunny day for a hike, the warm weather has really brought out the spring flowers. — red bud, flox, blood root,red trillium, may apples, dandelions, more daffodils including some delightful small ones, and lots of trout lillies down by the stream. We encountered one other couple with three children who were also on the trails. Mushroom hunting — a day or two early I would say.

the trails here are great except that they were designed for horses. Hence, the loops are on the longish side for us — particularly since we haven’t been hiking more than 2 Mike’s per day all winter. We did discover a loop, part of it not marked on the map, that we will try the next time we are here.

As I sit outside the van writing this, clouds are moving in on a stronger breeze. Rain is expected tonight. But we are headed home tomorrow so the timing of our trip has been perfect.

