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49 Palms Trail

Sat 25-Feb-2017 California, Travel | 0 comments

At Joshua Tree NP there are a number of places in the park that you have to leave the park to get to. So we headed north and out of the park to the Forty-nine Palms... more

Corn Springs CG

Mon 20-Feb-2017 California, Travel | 0 comments

After a week of dry camping we drove to Quartzsite and made a much needed stop at the RV Pit Stop to dump our holding tanks and refill our water tank. This service area... more

Palm Canyon Day 4-5

Sun 19-Feb-2017 Arizona, Travel | 0 comments

It rains in the desert, and it certainly did yesterday, about half an inch left over from the damaging rains in LA.  We spent the day reading, editing pictures, and... more