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Thu 28-Jan-2016 Texas, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Davis  Mountains State Park

Davis Mountains State Park

Since we couldn’t hike at Seminole Canyon State Park, we headed west. While I was driving, David selected our next stop: Davis Mountain State Park.

This park is at 5000 feet so it is chilly, but perfect for hiking.

Picking our site seemed to take too long. There are hardly any people here so there were many choices. That makes life harder. Most people had chosen sites which had sewers, electric, water, AND cable TV. We settled for electric and water, under a live oak, by a dry stream. Then we took a ride up the Skyline Drive which gives you a view for miles in all directions.

In the morning, after waiting for it to get above 50-degrees, we started a hike up the same mountain. Our plan was to hike up to the rise, take pictures in a different light, then head down for lunch and a different hike. At the top we changed our minds and decided to take the loop hike that once again took us to the very top and then return by the CCC trail. Once again we are pleased to thank the CCC (and Franklin Roosevelt) for the amazing trails that are all over this country. The stone dry wall that supported our trail along the side of the mountain is still strong and beautiful today.

Although our hike turned out to be nearly 5 miles, we enjoyed it immensely. There are so many trails here that we would like to try; clearly we will have to return as one could spend more than a week here hiking the various trails.

Both in the morning and evening David flew his drone. The pictures here were less spectacular than some we have gotten probably because there are fewer prominent objects to identify and because we could hike to high elevations and get a “drone view” from the trail.

Davis Mountain State Park Campground Review: 94 campsites, some with electric and water, some also have sewer and cable TV. Most all are level and relatively private. Since we were there when there were few campers, all seemed private. There is an RV dump and an interpretive center. The staff at the office was very pleasant.
