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Tue 12-Jan-2016 Florida, Travel | 0 comments | Map

Big Lagoon State Park

Big Lagoon State Park

Today was an odd day. The oddness actually started yesterday in Greenville AL.

We had spent Sunday night at a Walmart there. Overnight the temperature had dropped by 40-degrees. As we were about to leave to head south, I noticed water dripping from the headliner in the cab of the Sprinter. This is a problem that has been reported by other Sportsmobile owners. Condensation builds up above the Sportsmobile build when it is very cold out and fairly humid inside. Our problem was that our laptop was sitting right under the drip. Even though we quickly dealt with it, the screen on the computer no longer worked.

After a day of unsuccessfully trying to dry out the computer and an evening of research, David selected a new Dell XPS laptop as his choice and found that some Best Buys had it, but not the store in Spanish Fort, the closest town to us.

However, we went there this morning on the chance that their online inventory report was incorrect. It wasn’t, but they were able to locate one in Pensacola — about 45 minutes away

We drove to Pensacola and were able to get the computer. Then we headed out to the gulf to Big Lagoon State Park. Like all Florida state parks we have visited in the past, this was an amazing place. We ate lunch on a picnic table in the sun on the beach, then walked 2.7 miles on trails and boardwalks through the sand and scrub. Quite a few shore birds — gulls, pelicans, cormorants, and osprey — as well as song birds — sparrows, towhees, cardinals, and jays — and almost NO PEOPLE!

After our hike David sent the quadcopter up for a few pictures of the estuary and lagoon.

We then headed back to Spanish Fort and parked in front of the Best Buy so we could use their wifi to download our software. I fear we will be back there tomorrow to finish the task.
