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Sat 24-May-2014 Alberta, Travel | 0 comments | Map


Our sunny weather turned to cloudy, but we headed to Many Glacier anyway.  We planned to spend the night there but found that the campground had not been able to open on schedule.  We drove up through the valley and saw moose, big horn sheep, and mountain goats.  No bears.  We are warned about them constantly, but never see any!

After leaving Glacier we headed into Canada where we were asked more questions at the border than we ever have been before – firearms, pepper spray (bear spray was ok), DUIs, felonies?  Fortunately our answers were all ok. David found a very nice city park (Lee Creek) along a river with nicely spaced spaces, a laundry, and very FAST Wi-Fi.  We really took advantage of the latter, for checking out Sprinter dealers, among other things.

David spent the afternoon looking for a blown fuse or a loose connection which would explain our problems. He found one suspect connection, but it made a difference for a while, and then the problems came back.  He checked all areas which tied into the Sportsmobile part of the build, but found nothing to worry him.  Everything in the back works just fine.
