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Vanessa and Savanna

Savanna, which recently replaced Vanessa, is our little home away from home. Vanessa was born January 17, 2013 and Savanna on December 9, 2020 when we picked them up from the custom van conversion company Sportsmobile in Huntington, Indiana. Our uncle Den, who named his yacht “Dovekie”, told us that yacht (and we think RV) names with seven letters and a repeated vowel bring good luck. We have had very good luck with Vanessa and hope to for Savanna.

We describe all the details and lots of photos of Vanessa here.

Here are our first photos of Savanna (lots more later).


  1. Great fotos, great trips, tons of inspiration!
    I find myself searching your posts and commentary regarding WiFI, Stereo, CB, etc. …
    We are planning out the interior/exterior considerations for our Sprinter 170, 4×4. It seems that we keep falling back to a vital comfort for us will be the comms, audio, navigation and lighting schemes. We’re more listeners than we are watchers, a TV is low on the plan right now.
    We want to load ourselves up on this end versus an extra cabinet here or a not positive we need it item there; as laymen relative to electronics/wiring and antennae we’re always seeking the clearest line towards having this side covered.
    How do we navigate these needs with SMB?

  2. SMB Indiana did not want to get involved with electronics other than core functions such as battery monitor, furnace control, etc. They did install my antennas that I provided to them since the wiring needed to go behind walls. I did all the rest, but you could find an auto stereo shop to do it for you.


    • David,
      Thanks for the follow up. We are working with SMBwest, in Fresno. They have a designated Audio/Visual installer that works with them but is a separate business. We have an xm radio antenna for external placement and i need to research further which 4g cell booster model we’ll use; I recall, but don’t see it in my notes, that the antenna is an inside placement. It seems like it would matter if it’s placed outside: less interference, better exposure directions?
      This build is still predicated on the 6cyl 4×4 Sprinter avoiding any hang-ups from EPA compliance or trade snafu’s and will begin early 2018. So, just plodding along right now.
      We live in Imperial Beach, close to the Silver Strand State Beach ya’ll visited. We enjoy the Blog and the pictures keep us inspired for our own future travels.

      • The WeBoost boosters have two antennas, one inside and on outside. I have mounted the BoatAnt outside on a short PVC mast.


  3. David,
    Hoping all is well with you and your family!
    Get back out on the road as soon as you can, we love following y’alls adventures and beautiful prints.

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