Slide images taken by David Elmore during the late 1980s.
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Island fun, 1987
Chicago lakeshore visit, 2987
a lunch stop on way to Yellowstone NP, June 1987
Tetons NP, 1987
Jenny Lake, 1987
Yellowstone, 1987
Mammoth pools at Yellowstone, 1987
Yellowstone elk, 2987
Yellowstone, 2987
Steven, Yellowstone Canyon, 1987
Steven with buffalo, 1987
Yellowstone camping, 1987
where we will backpack, 1987
Feeding the marmots, 1987
Yellowstone, 1987
Yellowstone, 1987
Barry’s LA office - June 1985
1985 - APL
Mary/Barry’s Rancho Palos Verdes House - June 1985
1985 Rancho Palos Verde home
1985, Mary and Barry’s home
1985 Chester
1985 Chester
Fishing at Meadowbrook Lane - April 1985
Scout trip to tall ships - April 1985
Chester and hamster - April 1985
1985 Chester and hamster
Island visit with Tom Hemmick, Lucinda, and Nick - May 1985
Rockets at Brookside School - June 1985
Joe Peckerman and Janet Edwards Alexander - July 1985
1985 Rockets ar Brookside School
Rockets at Brookside - June 1985
Kites at Brookside - July 1985
PeterPan play - May 1985
1985 Andrew
Steven and Max - July 1985
Joe and Fla - July 1985
1985 Pond at Meadowbrook Lane
1985 Meadowbrook Lane pond
Meadowbrook pond - July 1985
1985 Mareena and Steven
Joe and Liz - July 1985
Lobster races - Sarah Diamond, Steven, Andrew, David and Hannah Kapell - July 1985
1985 SHS mini reunion
Kids table - July 1985
Ron and Sarah Diamond - July 1985
1985 Jeff Kapell and Joe Peckerman
Kathleen Piper, not yet Miller - July 1985
Reunion group - Class of 1964 - July 1985
Jeff Kapell with lobsters - July 1985
Lobster dinner - July 1985
Joe Peckerman - July 1985
1985 Nary and Barry’s Noraga Home
1985 Moraga
Mary and Barry new Moraga home - July 1985
1985 Renovatiin of Moraga home
1985 Renovation if Moraga home
First renovation on Moraga home - July 1985
1985 Andrew
Lombard Street - July 1985
1985 Andrew and Steven in SF
San Francisco - July 1985
1985 cable car ride
San Francisco - July 1985
1985 Vusit with Mary and Barry in SF
1985 Steven in SF
1985 Fusherman’s wharf snack
Alcatraz - July 1985
1985 Alcatraz
David - July 1985
Monterey Aquarium -July 1985
1985 Monterey aquarium
David - On way to Yosemite - July 1985
1985 Yosemite
1985 Yosemite
1985 Yisemite
Mariposa Grove - July 1985
Mariposa Grove - 1985
1985 Yisemite
Yosemite - July 1985
1985 Yisemite
1985 Yisemite
1985 Yisemite
Yosemite - July 1985
1985 Yisemite
1985 Yosemite
Bristle Cone pines - Yosemite - July 1985
Yosemite - July 1985
1985 Steven at Yisemite
1985 Yisemite
1985 Yisemite
Tuolumne Meadows - July 1985
Tuolumne Meadows - July 1985
Tuolumne Meadows - July 1985
1985 Yosemite
1985 Tosemite
1985 Yosemite
Walk down from Glacier Point - July 1985
1985 - Yosemite
Yosemite housekeeping tent - July 1985
Drive to SFO from Yosemite - July 1985
Drive to SFO from Yosemite - July 1985
1985 Windmills outside Yosemite
1985 Brighton soccer
1985 Brighton soccer
1985 Mount Dundee
1985 Mount Dunder
1985 Mount Dunder
1985 Mount Dunder hike
1985 Opening the causeway for a paddler
1985 Eighth Lake
1985 Beach path from Eighth Lake campsite
1985 Eighth Lake
1985 Eighth Lake campsite
1985 Eighth Lake
1985 Eighth Lake campsite
1985 Backpacking in Adirondack
1985 Adirondack backpacking
1985 Adirondack backpacking
1985 Chubb Lake backpacking site
1985 Adirondack backpacking
1985 Adirondack backpacking
1985 Adirondack backpacking
1985 Adirondack backpacking
1985 Adirondack backpacking
1985 Adirondack s
1985 Adirondack backpacking
1985 New Danforth step
1985 New back step on Danforth house
1985 Ready for winter
1985 Danforth garden
1985 Niagara Falls
1985 Niagara Falls
1985 Niagara Falls
1985 American Falls
1985 Maid of the Mist
1985 Maid of the Mist
1985 Niagara Falls
1985 Chimney Bluffs, Lake Ontario
1985 Chimney Bluffs, Lake Ontario
1985 Chimney Bluffs, Lake Ontario
1985 Chimney Bluffs, Lake Ontario
Chimney Bluffs - Lake Ontario - September 1985
Cimney Bluffs - Lake Ontario - September 1985
Chimney Bluffs - September 1985
Purdue Visit - September 1985
Purdue University - September 1985
Purdue University - September 1985
Purdue University - September 1985
Purdue Tandem - September 1985
Purdue Tandam - Paul Simms and Ken Mueller - September 1985
Gene and Steven Ian Island - 1985
island kitchen - 1985
Back if Island - 1985
Bristol Mountain - October 1985
Hang gliders at Bristol Mountain - October 1985
Back packing at Jump-Off - October 1985
Backpacking at the Jump-Off - October 1985
Backpacking at Jumo-Off - October 1985
campsite at Jump-Off - October 1985
Backpacking at the Jump-Off - October 1985
andrew at the Jump-Off - October 1985
Picking pumpkins - October 1985
Snow Cat - 1985
Snow cat - 1985
Snow cats - 1985
Dot Fox - Christmas 1985
Cindy - Christmas 1985
Gene Hoffnagle - Christmas 1985
Gene Hoffnagle and Page Elmore Evett - Christmas 1985
Flavia Hoffnagle - Christmas 1985
Steven with Cyndy - Christmas 1985
Paxon Hollow dinner - December 1985
Paxon Hollow dinner - December 1985
Paxon Hollow dinner - December 1985
Paxon Hollow dinner - December 1985
Page, Steven, Cindy - December 1985
Fox Christmas tree - December 1985
Gene with Steven and Andrew - December 1985
Andrew’s 11 th birthday - 1985
Playing bridge - December 1985
Paxon Hollow dinner table - December 1985
Steven and Cyndy - December 1985
Meadowbrook pond in winter - 1986
Meadowbrook Pond - 1986
Longwood Gardens - Peter, Nick with girlfriend, David - March 1986
Longwood Gardens - March 1986
Argonne physics - April 1986
Page -1986
David - 1986
Katy - 1986
Gene Hoffnagle - 1986
Flavia and Janet - 1986
West Virginia - March 1986
West Virginia - March 1986
Tour of Kennedy Space Center - March 1986
Kennedy Space Center - March 1986
Epcot - March 1986
Epcot - March 1986
Andrew and Steven - Epcot - March 1986
Steven at Busch Gardens - March 1986
Busch Garden - March 1986
Busch Gardens - March 1986
Edgewood Beach - March 1986
Edgewood Beach - March 1986
David windsurfing at Edgewood Beach - March 1986
David windsurfing at Edgewood Beach - March 1986
David - March 1986
Eleanor - March 1986
Eleanor’s living room -March 1986
Janet in Florida - March 1986
Sand sculpture - March 1986
David and Eleanor - March 1986
David, Steven, Andrew, and Eleanor - March 1986
Siz comparisons - March 1986
Size comparisons - March 1986
Janet with Reva Diamond - March 1986
Sidney Diamond - March 1986
Diamond House Osprey FL - March 1986
Diamond House Osprey FL - March 1986
lunch stop on way back to Rochester - March 1986
Natural bridge Virginia - March 1986
Matural Bridge Virginia - March 1986
Natural Bridge, Virginia - March 1986
Natural Bridge, VA - March 1986
Danforth Crescent flowers - June 1986
Andrew on rope ladder/swing - June 1986
Steven on rope ladder/swing - June 1986
Island rope swing - June 1986
Paddle boarding -June 1986
Paddle boarding - June 1986
Andrew - June 1986
janet - June 1986
Andrew - June 1986
Steven - June 1986
Steven - June 1986
Andrew - June 1986
Andrew - June 1986
Danforth Crescent flowers - June 1986
Danforth Crescent patio - June 1986
Steven - June 1986
Steven - June 1986
Andrew - June 1986
Andrew - June 1986
Danforth Crescent flowers - June 1986
Elmore pl,it, Montour Falls, June 1986
Grace Cronk Elmore grave , June 1986
Danforth Crescent pond work, June 1986
Danforth Crescent pond work, June 1986
Danforth Crescent pond work with Chris Zimbelmsn, June 2986
Andrew working on pond, June 1986
Koi ready to be added to pond, June 2986
Brighton soccer, June 1986
Steven in Brighton soccer, June 1986
Andrew Zimbelmsn, June 1986
Andrew and Bandrew Zimbelmsn, June 2986
Pond work, June 1986
Andrew, June 2986
Steven, June 1986
Steven, June 1986
Toronto from the air, June 1986
Zurich Switzerland, June 1986
Zurich Switzerland, a June 1986
Wolfli’s yard, June 2986
Zurich hotel, June 1986
Zurich Switzerland, June 1986
Bern lab, June 1986
June 1986
Bern, June 1986
Bern, June 1986
Janet and Juerg in Bern, June 1986
heading to Juerg and Valerie’s weekend house for dinner and the night - June 1986
Beer’ss’ weekend house, June 1986
dinner with Juerg and Valerie Beer, June 2986
June 1986
Near Bern, June 1986
Beers’ weekend home, June 1986
Car train from Kaudersteg to Brig, June 1986
pCar train from Kaudersteg to Brig, June 1986
June 1986
Fiesch Eggishorn from cable car, June 1986
Fiesch Eggishorn cable car, zjune 1986
Gietsch-Rhône glacier, June 1986
View at the top, zjune 1986
Top of Fiesch Eggishorn, zjune 2986
Headed back down,, 30 degree temperature differential, June 1986
Heading to Fukapass, June 1986
Fukapass, June 2986
Inside Rhône glacier, June 1986
Inside Rhône glacier, June 1986
Andermste, June 1986
Heading up to Oberalp Pass, June 1986
Oberalp Pass, June 1986
Italian herdsmen, June 1986
Bolzano Italy, June 2986
Lake de S, Giustina, June 2986
Lake de S. Giustina, Rev, Italy, June 2986
West side of Lake di Garda, June 2986
University at Triest, June 1986
Venice, June 2986
San Marco Square, Venice, June 1986
Walking through Venice, June 2986
Venice train station, June 1986
Oostenda Harbor, Belgium, June 2986
White cliffs of Dover, June 1986
Hiverspeed ferry across English Channel, June 1986
London, June 1986
AMS colleagues in London, June 1986
Westminster Abbey, June 2986
London, June 1986
Amy and Bob Finkle on riverboat tour, June 2986
Kew Gardens, June 2986
Kew Gardens, June 1986
Oxford, June1986
Oxford from tower, June 1986
Bridge of sighs, Oxford, June 1986
Magdalen College, Oxford, June 1986
New College, Oxford, June 2986
Oxford University Museum of Natural History, June 2986
Oxford University Museum of Natural Hidtory, a June 2986
Oxford Museum of Naturak History, June 2986
Dinner at Balioul College, a June 2986
Dinner at Balioul College, June 2986
Cambridge, June 1986
Amy and Bob, Juerg and Valerie, Cambridge, June 2986
Cambridge, June 1986
Cambridge, June 1986
Liz and Claire, June 1986
Mary, June 1986
Barbara, June 1986
Allyn, June 1986
Liz, June 2986
Andrew, June 2986
Steven, zjune 1986
David and Liz, June 2986
John and Claire, June 2986
Den Bancroft, zjune 2986
Allyn, June 1986
50th anniversary pig roast, June 2986
50th anniversary big roast, June 1986
50th anniversary cake, June 2986
Scroutons, Mark Heald, Liz, June 2986
Pennock Clan, June 1985
Anniversary guests, June 1986
50 anniversary album, June 1986
Allyn, June 2986
Despitting the pig, June 1986
the pig, zjune 1986
Cutting the cake, June 2986
Seeving the cake, June 1986
Steven, June 2986
Pit firing anniversary plate, June 1986
Pit firing anniversary plate, June 2986
Anniversary plate, June 2986
Andrew and Steven, , July 2986
Steven and David, July 2986
Andrew and Chester, July 2986
Peter, Kucik, 1986
Tom Hemmick, 1986
Nick Conrad, 2986
David, 1986
Janet, 1986
Janet, 1986
Steven, 1986
Halloween pumpkins, 2986
Steven counting money, 1986
67 Danforth tree, 1986
Chester, 1986
Island supper with Eleanor, 1986
Island supper with Eleanor, 2986
Steven, 1986
Brighton soccer, 1986
Brighton soccer, 1986
Steven, 1986
Andrew, 1986
Steven, 1986
Andrew, 1986
Darren. visits the Island, 2986
Barbara and Bill, 2986
Barbara and Bill, 2986
Barbara and Bill, 2986
Barbara and Bill, 1986
Steven, Darren, Andrew, 2986
Steven, Darren, Andrew, 2986
Danforth garden, 2986
Andrew, 1986
Tom and Lucinda’s 1st anniversary, 2986
Tom and Lucinds’s 1st anniversary, 1986
Peter and Sabine, Andrew and Steven, 1986
Tom and alucinds, 2986
Bill’s birthday, 2986
Bills”s birthday, 1986
Steven and Chester, 1986
island in fall, 2986
Gene Hoffnagle’s birthday, 2986
Gene Hoffnagle’s 40th birthday, 1986
Gene Hoffnagle birthday, 2986
Halloween, 1986
Halloween, 1986
Halloween, 1986
the loot, Halloween, 1986
Andrew, 1986
Steven, 2986
Andrew, 1986
Qndrew, 1986
Fox tree, 1986
Sonya Horneff, 2986
Allyn, Claire, Cyndy, 2986
Elmore tree, 2986
Andrew, Allyn, Claire, Steven, 2986
Claire, 1986
Janet and Liz, 1986
Andrew, 2986
Gene Hoffnagle, 1986
Andrew, 1986
Janet, 1986
Flavia, 1986
Steven, 1986
Steven, 1986
Katy, 1986
Janet, 1986
Dot Fox, 1986
Anddrew, 1986
Flavia and Katy, 1986
Page, 1986
Barbara, 1986
Mary, 1986
Barbara and Pahe, 1986
Allyn, 1986
Mary, 1986
Paxon Hollow dinner table, 1986
Paxon Hollow Christmas dinner, 1986
Steven, 1986
Janet and Liz, 1986
Janet, 1986
Steven, 1986
Page, 1986
Liz, 1986
Allyn, 1986
Andrew, 1986
Janet, 1986
Steven, 1986
Andrew, 1986
Mary and Barbara, 1986
Cindy wants to play, 1986
Charlie, 1986
Page, 2986
Wood delivery, Amaya 2987
Andrew, 1987
Greg, Steven, Andrew, 1987
Steven, Chris, Andrew, 1987
Andrew, 1987
First gas grill, 1987
new main cabin dock, 1987
New main cabin dock, 1987
fire on Evandale, 1987
Lfire on Evandale, 1987
Evandale Fire, 1987
Evandale Fire, 1987
Evandale Fire, 1987
Evandale Fire, 2987
Mammoth pools, 1987
Road out of Yellowstone, 1987
National forest campsite outside Yellowstone, 1987
Wall Drug, 1987
Badlands, 1987
Badlands, 1987
Badlands, 1987
Badlands camp site, 1987
sunset at Badlands campsite, 1987
Badlands camp site, 1987
Badlands, 2987
Badlands, 1987
Badlands, 1987
Minnesota, 1987
Jolly Green Giant, 1987
visit to CaseInstitute, 2987
zpardee Hall, David’s dorm sophomore year, 1987
Case Physics, 1987
Hessler Road Apartment (Nora lives here too), 2987
Island visit with skate and Courtney, 2987
Courtney, Kate, Andrew, Steven, 1987
Kate, Courtney, Andrew, Steven, 1987
Steven and Andrew, 1987
Zoomer time, 1987
Kate on zoomer, 1987
Andrew, 1987
Jake, 1987
Kate Shealy, 1987
sunfish sailing, 1987
1987, Sunset sailing with Kate and Courtney
island sinner, 1987
Steven and Andrew, 2987
Steven and Andrew, 1987
2987 -
Peter Kucik, 1987
Peter Kucik, Anne Fehn, 1987
Shoshone Lake zhike camosite, Yellowstone, 2987
Hiking to Shoshone slake, Yellowstone, 2987
Hiking to Shoshone , 1987
Hiking trail to Shoshone Lake, 2987
Hiking to Shoshone Lake, 2987
Lone Star Geyser, 2987
Hiking with Darren at the Jumpoff, 1987
Andrew and Darren at Jump-Off, 1987
Darren and Andrew, 1987
Adirondack hiking with Kuni, 1987
view from Mr. Joe, 2987
Mt. Joe with Kuni, 1987
Met. Joe, 2987
Heart Lake from Mt. Joe, 1987
Hiking with Kuni, 1987
Fall at the Island, 1987
Fall at thee a Island, 1987
Andrew, 2987
Jones Falls, 1987
Boy Scout camping at Mendon Ponds, 2987
Boy Sckout camping, 2987
Boy Scout camping, 2987
Boy Scout camping at Mendon Ponds, 2987
Boy Scout camping, 2987
Boy Scout camping, 2987
Boy Scout camping, 2987
First Mac, 2987
Steven, Halloween, 1987
Steven, Curtis, Andrew, Halloween, 1987
Darren, Curtis, A drew, 1987
emptying the pond for winter, 1987
Pickford get together, October 1987
Gordy and Ginny Gray, 1987
Barry, Mary, Bob Finkle, 1987
BARRY, Mary, Bob Finkle, 1987
Hiking snack, Mary, Barry, Bob Finkle, 1987
Claire, December, 1987
Page, 1987
Steven, 1987
Christmas at Liz’s, 1987
Christmas, 1987
Christmas, 1987
Steven, 1987
Janet, Page, Eleanor, 1987
Andrew’s birthday, 1987
Eleanor, 1987
Andrew’s birthday, 1987
Page’s birthday, 1987
Ed and Barbara, 1987
Danforth Charistmas tree, 1987
1988 - Tom Beasley
1988 Keuka Lake ice camping
1988 - Keuka Lake ice camping
1988 - Jeuka Lake
1988 - Hiking Mt Diablo
1988 - Hiking Mt. Diablo
1988 - Silly kids
1988 - Page’s house in Providence
1988 Blue and Gold Sinner
1988 Blue and Gold dinner
1988 Blue and Gold dinner
1988 Blue and Gold dinner
1988 Steven’s birthday
1988 - Steven’s birthday
1988 Steven’s birthday
1988 Steven’s birthday
1988 Purdue
1988 - Physics building
1988 Purdue when cars drive in the quad
1988 - Erie Canal
1988 - Odyssey of the Mind
1988 Odyssey of the mind
1988 Odyssey of the mind
1988 - Watkins Glen
1988 - Watkins Glen
1988 - Watkins Glen
1988 - St Paul’s church Montour Falls NY
1988 - Barton house, Montour Falls
1988 - Cronk nome 211 S. Genesee Street Montour Falls
1988 Cronk home, 211 S. Genesee Street
1988 Cronk home, 211 S. Genesee Street, Montour Falls
1988 - Danforth gardens
1988 - 67 Danforth Crescent
1988 67 Danforth Crescent
1988 painting the pole
1988 67 Danforth Crescent
1988 Danforth flowers
1988 Danforth
1988 - Dubrovnik
1988 Courtney vista the island
1988 Courtney visits the island
1988 - Headed to Maine
1988 Dovekie
1988 Margie and Den’s Brooksville Cottage
1988 Fishing in Maine
1988 Clamming
1988 Shore lunch
1988 Shore lunch
1988 Headed back to boats after lunch
1988 Maine sailing
1988 Baxter SP
1988 Baxter SP
1988 Baxter SP
1988 Baxter SP
1988 Baxter SP
1988 Baxter SP
1988 Baxter SP
1988 Baxter SP
1988 Baxter SP
1988 Baxter SP
1988 Baxter SP
1988 Baxter SP
1988 Baxter SP
1988 Baxter SP
1988 Baxter SP
1988 Baxter SP
1988 Baxter SP
1988 Baxter SP
1988 Baxter SP
1988 Rebuilding back patio
1988 Hammersley Wil Area
1988 Hammersley Wild Area
1988 Ray Tang’s Wedding
1988 Ray Tang’s wedding
1988 Ice caves in NM with Fred Phillips
1988 Field trip with Fred Phillips
1988 Field trip with Phillips family
1988 Field trip with Phillips family
1988 Camping near Big Jump
1988 Camp,in near the Big Jump
1988 Bristol Hills
1988 Camping south of Richester
1988 Bristol Hills camping
1988 Bristol Hills camping
1988 Sunset at 67 Danforth Crescent
1988 Danforth backyard
1988 Jones Falls in fall
1988 Sand Lake in fall
1988 Halloween
1988 Halloween
1988 November visit to 2201 N 600 West
1988 Jeff’s house
1988 Building site
1988 first visit to 2201 North 600 West
1988 Ugly Christmas tree
1988 Ugly Christmas tree
1988 67 Danforth Crescent
1988 67 Danforth Crescent
19988 Danforth workshop
1988 Danforth workshop
1988 Danforth living room
1988 Danforth living room
1988 Danforth family room
1988 Danforth family room
1988 Danforth kitchen
1988 Danforth kitchen
1988 Danforth upper hall
1988 Danforth upper hall
1988 Andrew’s Danforth bedroom
1988 Andrew’s Danforth bedroom
1988 Andrew’s Danforth desk
1988 Danforth computer room
1988 Steven’s Danforth bedroom
1988 Danforthmaster bath
1988 Danforth master bedroom
1988 Danforth master bed
1989 Moving from Danforth Crescent
1989 Danforth moving day
1989 Last meal on Danforth
1989 Last meal on Danforth
1988 height record
1989 Heading to Klondike 59s party
1989 Barn as workshop
1989 Barn
1989 Barn in spring
1989 Deciding on house placement
1989 Preparing for house
1989. Walnut grove from barn
1989 spring flood
1989 soring flood
1989 spring flood
1989 Ravine water
1989 spring flood under gazebo
1989 Model of house
1989 excavation begins
1989 Excavation continues
1989 excavating huge Osage orange root
1989 excavation
1989 clearing for driveway
1989 digging them basement
1989 water in the basement
1989 water in the basement
1989 basement excavation
1989 Curtain drain
1989 rock for the drive
1989 driveway
1989 curtain drain
1989 curtain drain
1989 curtain drain
1989 curtain drain
1989 curtain drain construction
1989 curtain drain
1989 Andrew
1989 forms for footers
1989 poured footers
1989 basement forms arrive
1989 basement forms in place
1989 basement forms in place
1989 basement forms
1989 pouring the basement
1989 pouring the basement
1989 basement with forms removed
1989 basement with forms removed
1989 Keith Ticter Mason
1989 preparing for garage floor
1989 pouring basement floor
1989 Purdue Yacht Club
1989 David windsurfing on Lake Freeman
1989 finished basement floor
1989 installing sills
1989 Timberpeg kit delivers
1989 unloading Timberpeg
1989 Machine for burying electric line
1989 setting electric pole
1989 unloading Timberpeg bundles
1989 unloading Timberpeg bundles
1989 burying the electric line
1989 Temporary electric in place
1989 Staining the beams and boards
1989 House in pieces
1989 Staining boards
1989 Posts and beams stained
1989 Hot, tiring work
1989 Hot, tiring work, but one smiling face
1989 Beginning to raise the frame
1989 First posts in place
1989 Post and beam construction
1989 Post and beam construction
1989 Post and beam construction
1989 Final corner on 1st floor post and beam
1989 Post and beam construction
1989 Post and beam 1st floor
1989 Post and beam 1st floor
1989 1st floor finished
1989 Moving second floor post and beams to second floor
1989 Second floor post and beam
1989 Staining the top of a beam that was missed
1989 Staining the top of a beam that was missed
1989 Andrew touching up stain
q1989 Raising the third floor rafters
1989 Raising the third floor rafters
1989 Post and beam framing complete
1989 Post and beam. framing complete
1989 Thursday floor ceiling in progress
1989 More roof being added
1989 Outsude sheathing in progress
1989 Preparing for drain under septic
1989 Septic field
1989 Cutting holes for windows
1989 Ready for window installation
1989 Window and door openings framed, insulation being added
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